Friday, December 27, 2013

Tips for impressive web designing and development

Web designing and development services are a close-knit group with each one of them depending on the other to make a website easy to find, navigate, understood and shared among the website users/viewers or followers. Web designers and developers always need to update themselves by learning the core principles that govern the web design and development. There are many resources available on internet as well as through offline modes (educational courses, libraries, institutions) to learn more about web designing and development. Web development and designing are two sides of a same coin. Here the coin is the website which if designed and developed correctly can be the most effective communication tool to appeal the target market or audience and for good search engine ranking.
In today’s world, the technology is changing every day with websites being accessed through wide range of different devices such as tablets, Smartphone’s, iPhones, laptops, Personal Computers etc where each of these devices requiring separate experience of web browsing and design aesthetics. Best web designing tactics require web designers and developers to a strike balance between technical and Search Engine Optimization or SEO functionality, navigation and layout. The following tips would be helpful in creating impressive web design and development tools for launching a fruitful website.
  • Coding structures: While developing a website, the website developer must ensure that the coding structure of the site is prepared in such a way that it should easily be opened in all types of web browsers. Web developers should see that important technicalities while framing the web structures are addressed perfectly.
  •  Design for different screen widths: A wide range of different devices is now used to access websites and these include mobile, tablets, smart phones, iPhones etc. It is estimated that about 23% of website visits are coming from either a tablet or mobile and therefore a website design must automatically resize to allow different screen widths or the website designer must provide a different version of the website to allow for different devices.
  • In-depth knowledge of web development software: A professional web developer must remain well versed with different web development platforms, languages and coding structures to find new ways or methods of web development as per their client requirements.
  • Keeping consistent web design: Uniformity in web designing is the very important as inconsistency may confuse the visitors or users forcing them to leave the website. Therefore, web designers must pick a style and stick to across all pages of the website.
These important tips if adhered to will go a long way in a proper website development and designing.

1 comment:

  1. I truly agree with this tips following this steps will do nothing wrong.
